Project Title: Multi-Media Personal Backdrop

Activity #1: Development of Multi-Media Backdrops

1. Personal Presentation

Details : Title of Event: Birthday Celebration SPECIFICATIONS Software Tools Used: Canva, Capcut and Island Poster Contents:My Picture, Sound from Capcut, Date and Time. Details: Multimedia presentations develop confidence for students who lack confidence and it challenges students to think creatively about their posters and presentation. Students will plan for an event and create a proposal demonstrating how the event might look and it allow students to focus on content, intonation, and organization.

Project Title: Multi-Media

Activity #1: Development of Multi-Media Backdrops 1. Event Presentation

Details : Title of Event: Independence Day When: June 12, 2022, Sunday SPECIFICATIONS Software Tools Used: Canva and Capcut, Contents: PSU Logo, Date and Time. Details: Multimedia presentations develop confidence for students who lack confidence and it challenges students to think creatively about their posters and presentation. Students will plan for an event and create a proposal demonstrating how the event might look and it allow students to focus on content, intonation, and organization.

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